1. Complete all the fields below and then click the Calculate Child Support button.
2. If a field has nothing to be entered, enter a zero.
3. Round each entry to the nearest dollar.
4. If you don't know the value to enter in any field, enter your best estimate. Remember that the child support guideline result will be as correct as your estimates.
5. If you're not sure about some of the values to enter, you can play "what-if" by entering different values and re-clicking the Calculate Child Support button to see how the child support result changes.

Enter the number of minor children of this relationship eligible for child support:
TIP: Include any living child of the relationship under 18 years old. Also include an unmarried 18 year old who is not self-supporting and is still a full time high school student. Include any current pregnancy. Include any living minor child step-parent adopted by one of you or adopted by both of you.

Financial Information About You

Enter the percentage of time you will have primary physical custody and control of the minor child(ren): %
TIP: This can be complex if there is more than one minor child eligible to receive child support and there are different percentages for each child. As an example, if there are 2 minor children eligible for child support and you have primary physical custody of one child for 60% of the time and of the second child for 80% of the time, you must average the 60% and 80% to get a total percentage regarding both children of 70%. If there is more than one child eligible to receive child support and physical cutody percentages differ from child to child, add up the percentages of primary physical custody you will have of each child and divide that total by the number of children eligible to receive child support. That will be the average physical custody percantage to enter for you.
Enter your GROSS ANNUAL income: $
TIP: Gross income means the total income before any deductions. Do NOT enter the MONTHLY income.
Enter your MONTHLY deductions from gross income (see the list below): $
TIP: This would include monthly (NOT annual) deductions from gross income for Federal income tax, state income tax, FICA/Social Security, mandatory union dues, mandatory retirement plan deductions (NOT including 401K or IRA contributions) and any medical, hospital, dental or other health insurance premiums that are deducted from your gross income. Do not include any expenses that you pay from your own pocket - just those actually deducted from your paycheck or gross income.
Enter the current MONTHLY amount being deducted from your income for the support of any child of ANOTHER relationship: $
Enter the current MONTHLY amount being deducted from your income for the support of a PRIOR spouse: $
Enter the current MONTHLY amount being deducted from your income for the support of your PRIOR partner from ANOTHER Domestic Partnership: $
Enter any other COURT-ORDERED MONTHLY deductions from your gross monthly income: $
Enter any NECESSARY MONTHLY job-related expenses that you actually pay MONTHLY out of your own pocket that are NOT reimbursed by your employer: $
Enter any MONTHLY expenses you actually pay out of your own pocket for EXTRAORDINARY UNINSURED HEALTH CARE EXPENSES: $
TIP: Only list the MONTHLY amount actually being paid - NOT the total expense for an uninsured medical emergency. Use your judgment. A court may not agree with you as to what health expenses are EXTRAORDINARY.
Enter any MONTHLY expenses you actually pay out of your own pocket for UNINSURED CATASTROPHIC LOSSES: $
TIP: This would be for UNINSURED losses such as fire, theft, flood or earthquake damage. Only list the MONTHLY amount actually being paid - NOT the total expense for an uninsured catastrophic loss. Use your judgment. A court may not agree with you as to what losses are CATASTROPHIC.
Enter the MONTHLY expenses of any minor child(ren) of yours who reside(s) with you AND who are NOT minor children of this relationship: $
Enter the MONTHLY child support you actually receive for the support of any minor child(ren) of yours who reside(s) with you AND who are NOT minor children of this relationship and whose expenses are listed above: $

Financial Information About Your Spouse/Partner

Enter the percentage of time your spouse/partner will have primary physical custody and control of the minor child(ren): %
TIP: This can be complex if there is more than one minor child eligible to receive child support and there are different percentages for each child. As an example, if there are 2 minor children eligible for child support and your spouse/partner has primary physical custody of one child for 60% of the time and of the second child for 80% of the time, you must average the 60% and 80% to get a total percentage regarding both children of 70%. If there is more than one child eligible to receive child support and physical cutody percentages differ from child to child, add up the percentages of primary physical custody your spouse/partner will have of each child and divide that total by the number of children eligible to receive child support. That will be the average physical custody percantage to enter for your spouse/partner.
Enter your spouse/partner's GROSS ANNUAL income: $
TIP: Gross income means the total income before any deductions. Do NOT enter the MONTHLY income.
Enter your spouse/partner's MONTHLY deductions from gross income (see the list below): $
TIP: This would include monthly (NOT annual) deductions from gross income for Federal income tax, state income tax, FICA/Social Security, mandatory union dues, mandatory retirement plan deductions (NOT including 401K or IRA contributions) and any medical, hospital, dental or other health insurance premiums that are deducted from your spouse/partner's gross income. Do not include any expenses that your spouse/partner pays from his or her own pocket - just those actually deducted from your spouse/partner's paycheck or gross income.
Enter the current MONTHLY amount being deducted from your spouse/partner's income for the support of any child of ANOTHER relationship: $
Enter the current MONTHLY amount being deducted from your spouse/partner's income for the support of a PRIOR spouse: $
Enter the current MONTHLY amount being deducted from your spouse/partner's income for the support of his or her PRIOR partner from ANOTHER Domestic Partnership: $
Enter any other COURT-ORDERED MONTHLY deductions from your spouse/partner's gross monthly income: $
Enter any NECESSARY MONTHLY job-related expenses that your spouse/partner actually pays MONTHLY out of his or her own pocket that are NOT reimbursed by your spouse/partner's employer: $
Enter any MONTHLY expenses your spouse/partner actually pays out of his or her own pocket for EXTRAORDINARY UNINSURED HEALTH CARE EXPENSES: $
TIP: Only list the MONTHLY amount actually being paid - NOT a total expense for an uninsured medical emergency. Use your judgment. A court may not agree with you as to what health expenses are EXTRAORDINARY.
Enter any MONTHLY expenses your spouse/partner actually pays out of his or her own pocket for UNINSURED CATASTROPHIC LOSSES: $
TIP: This would be for UNINSURED losses such as fire, theft, flood or earthquake damage. Only list the MONTHLY amount actually being paid - NOT the total expense for an uninsured catastrophic loss. Use your judgment. A court may not agree with you as to what losses are CATASTROPHIC.
Enter the MONTHLY expenses of any minor child(ren) of your spouse/partner who reside(s) with him or her AND who are NOT minor children of this relationship: $
Enter the MONTHLY child support your spouse/partner actually receives for the support of any minor child(ren) of his or hers who reside(s) with your spouse/partner AND who are NOT minor children of this relationship and whose expenses are listed above: $

Child Support Guideline Results

The parent who pays this child support:
The parent who receives this child support:
Your Disposable Net Monthly Income: $
Your Spouse/Partner's Disposable Net Monthly Income:$
The California Child Support Guideline Amount Payable Monthly: $